Building Skill and Confidence

Learning dance is a continual progression from cementing the basics to refining technique and style.

As dancers witness their improvement over time, they gain a sense of achievement and pride in their abilities. This tangible evidence of progress reinforces their confidence not only in dance but also in other areas of life. The discipline and perseverance required to excel in dance translate into valuable life skills that build resilience and self-assurance.

Have trouble recognizing your progress?

Try dance journaling!

Dancers might consider keeping a dance journal to write down reflections on practice sessions, noting areas of improvement, breakthroughs, and setbacks.

Dancers can track their progress, identify patterns in their development, and celebrate how far they have come.

Sometimes it is hard to feel like you have progressed. A written record can be helpful evidence.

Not a writer? That’s okay, consider making a collage, taking a picture, or any other method that helps you reflect.


Exploring the Diversity of Learning Styles in Dance Class