Register Now for 2024-2025

About Us

LPD believes in community building and storytelling through dance.

We believe that each individual learns differently and that getting the best out of each student requires a variety of methods and techniques.

Our pedagogy centers on creativity, musicality, and self-expression, informed by body alignment and kinetic facility. We offer an educated approach to traditional dance techniques and practices with an aim to make dance inclusive to all.

LPD offers:

  • two decades of experience in dance education and arts leadership

  • a dedicated team of instructors and administrators with a common purpose

  • an inclusive atmosphere for dancers and their families

  • classes for dancers age 3 + various styles, including ballet, pointe, modern, jazz, tap, and Latin jazz

  • small class sizes so that each dancers gets individual attention

  • 6-week sessions for adults

  • training for competition and solo work

  • performance opportunities including a professionally produced recital at Holy Heart Theatre

  • access to LPD’s costume bank where dancers pay a small rental fee instead of purchasing their costumes


LPD classes run from September to June annually. Registration is a September to June commitment. The only exception to this is the Adult Beginner 6-Week Sessions.

A variety of payment options are available including full-year payment, per term payments (3 per year), monthly payments (9 payments per year), and drop-in rate. All prices include HST and processing fees.

Full-year payment is accepted up to and including the first day of classes.

Term payments are due September 1st, December 1st, and March 1st.

Monthly payments are due on the 1st of each Month (September- May).

Drop-in fees are due the day of class.

If for any reason a dancer chooses to leave their registered class(es), notification via email is necessary. Dancers will be charged a $57.50 cancellation fee, but otherwise will not be charged for classes after cancellation notice is received.

After January 1st dancers are responsible for their class costume costs regardless of recital participation.

Payment can be made through LPD's Online Store.