Lynn Panting Dance Scholarship Program

Dance for All

Lynn Panting Dance's scholarship program goes beyond just providing financial assistance; it fosters a supportive community where dancers can thrive and grow.

Lynn Panting Dance's scholarship program allows aspiring dancers to hone their craft and pursue their passion without financial barriers. Founded on the belief that talent knows no bounds, this program aims to nurture dancers providing them with access to top-tier training, mentorship, and performance opportunities they otherwise may not be able to access.

The scholarship program may help with one-on-one training, support additional classes, connect a family with resources, or help source shoes and dancewear.

With a commitment to excellence and inclusivity, this scholarship program not only empowers individual dancers but makes our community stronger.

Make a donation to the Scholarship Program

Your donation helps cover tuition and costume fees.

Apply to the

Lynn Panting Dance Scholarship Program

Tell us about yourself and how we can help.