LPD’s costume bank is a sustainable solution to reduce waste and promote eco-consciousness.

By establishing a repository of costumes, dancers borrow instead of purchasing new costumes each year. This not only minimizes the demand for new costumes, thereby decreasing the production of materials and resources, but it also reduces the amount of clothing ending up in landfills.

Our costume bank not only saves money, but also contributes significantly to environmental preservation.

LPD’s costume bank also fosters community engagement and creativity as repurposing items sparks innovative costume ideas and encourages a culture of reuse.

Some of the items in the bank are originally 30-40 years old. Careful cleaning and mending over the years means that multiple generations of dancers can use these pieces.

Dancers eagerly anticipate their chance to don certain legacy costumes. You can feel the excitement as they await their turn to grace the stage in these cherished garments, remembering the performances that have gone before.

The costume bank tells the story of dancers past present and future.

As of the 2024-2025 Season your costume fee is included in your classes fees.