Dance Class Etiquette

Our 2024-2025 Season opens September 9th. The lessons learned in dance class such as community building, commitment, and practicing appropriate etiquette can last a lifetime.

Etiquette in dance class is crucial for several reasons:

Respect and Safety: Good manners ensure a respectful environment, where everyone feels safe and comfortable. This is especially important in dance, where physical proximity and collaboration are common.

Effective Learning: Politeness and attentiveness help maintain a focused atmosphere, enabling students to learn efficiently and instructors to teach effectively without distractions.

Teamwork and Cooperation: Dance often involves partnering and group work. Proper etiquette fosters trust, smooth interactions, and coordinated movements, enhancing overall performance and enjoyment.

Professionalism: Adhering to etiquette reflects a serious attitude towards the art form, preparing students for professional settings where such standards are expected.

Positive Environment: Courteous behaviour contributes to a supportive and positive class culture, encouraging mutual encouragement and growth among dancers.

By following etiquette guidelines, you'll not only demonstrate respect for the art form but also contribute to a supportive and enjoyable atmosphere for everyone in the class.

Arrive So That You Can Start Class on Time

Punctuality is key.

For some folks, this means arriving 5 minutes early. Others may need more time to get ready and settle in.

Arriving late disrupts the flow of the class and may cause you to miss important warm-up exercises or instructions.

Arriving late can especially impact younger dancers who have difficulty with transitions.

If you have to arrive late, warm up before and wait until there is a pause between exercises to enter the room.

Dress Appropriately

Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to move freely. Some classes have specific dress codes, so make sure to investigate beforehand.

No Phones in Class, Please

Please leave your phone with your personal items in the cubby room.

If you need to keep your phone close by, check in with your instructor and let them know.

Respect the Space

Treat the dance studio with care. Avoid touching mirrors, leaning on barres, or leaving personal belongings strewn about. Keep the space tidy and respect the equipment. Leave the space better than you found it.

Respect the Ongoing Classes

As you wait for your class, or as you observe your child’s class consider keeping your voice down and avoid distractions.

Listen to the Instructor

Pay attention to the instructor at all times. Follow their directions and ask for clarification if needed. Avoid side conversations or distractions that could disrupt the class.

Please Do Not Sit Unless Asked

To ensure safety and focus during class, please remain standing and engaged unless instructed to sit by the teacher.

If you need to sit out for an exercise or two, let your teacher know before doing so.

Ask for Permission

If you need to leave the class early or take a break, ask the instructor for permission beforehand. This shows respect for the class and allows the instructor to accommodate your needs without disrupting the flow.

When you are ready to return, wait for the pause between exercises.

Be Mindful of Others

Dance is a communal activity, so be considerate of your fellow dancers. Avoid blocking others' views, and maintain appropriate spacing during exercises and routines.

At LPD we expect that each group looks out for the dancers younger than them. Say hello. Learn the names of other dancers in the studio. If you see someone struggling, help them.

Practice Good Hygiene

Come to class clean and fresh. Bring a water bottle to stay hydrated.

Stay Positive

Embrace a positive attitude and be open to learning. Mistakes are part of the process, so don't be discouraged if you struggle with certain steps or routines. Stay focused and keep practicing.

Avoid Comparison

Everyone is running their own race, so it is best to avoid comparison. Watch other dancers, let them inspire you, but honour your own relationship to your body and dance as special and unique.

Thank the Instructor

At the end of class, thank the instructor for their time and guidance. A simple gesture of gratitude goes a long way in fostering a positive learning environment.


Dance Dress Code


Getting the Most out of Your Dance Class